Our feature speaker is Bill Stangler from Congaree Riverkeeper. Bill has served as our Riverkeeper since 2011 and will be speaking about their mission to "protect and improve water quality, wildlife habitat, and recreation on the Broad, Lower Saluda, and Congaree Rivers through advocacy, education, and enforcement of environmental laws" and some of their current programs.
NAEP-SC members get 50% off. Students attend for free.
January 26, 11:45 PM – 1:30 PM Michael Baker International
Belle Vista Conference Room (2nd Floor)
700 Huger Street
Columbia, SC 29201
We are excited to have Congaree Riverkeeper's Bill Stangler speaking to NAEP-SC. His presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.
Topics include:
You must register for the in-person event by Friday, January 19, 2024.